Posted by: Dr. Lee Miller | June 22, 2009

When Your Ship Docks At A Different Port

Life sometimes reminds me of how similar it can be as if you were to board a luxury liner and set sail for a certain destination. Prior to coming aboard this ship, plans have been made, a itinerary of events of what ports you will arrive at has been pre-determined. You even know what the final destination will be. Everything is completely planned out before this adventure called a cruise ever takes place.

So, you leave on your cruise, setting sail on a beautiful sunning day, a light breeze is blowing across the sparkling blue ocean. The weather is simply perfect. You could not of asked for better weather conditions. The forecast for the next few days is predicted to be excellent. There should be no problems in reaching the final destination.

A couple of days has passed by since the cruise began and now the unexpected has occurred. All of a sudden, a storm can be seen just over the horizon headed your way. Now, the ship is forced to dock at a port that was not on the itinerary. And to make matters worst, you have been informed that you can not go any further than this port. Reality begins to set in and you begin to realize that this storm has changed the plans in your life.

Being on board a cruise ship is exactly how life can be. I know from personal experience of one day making plans to board my ship called life, had my itinerary all planned out, knew beyond a shadow of doubt of where I was going to eventually be at, that final destination of where my ship of life would dock at. This was not the first ship of life that I had been on, so I was really confident that things would be just fine. But, I made the error of not planning for the unexpected. Did not plan or even think of the what if scenario. And I have to tell you, this particular ship that I boarded one day called the ship of life never made it to the intended destination on my itinerary. Why? The en expected happened, a storm arose from over the sea of life, everything went from being a beautiful sun shiny day, no clouds in the sky, to a place to where it became so rough that my ship had to dock at an unscheduled port.

Well, I must admit, when I found myself at this unscheduled port, the real battle began, called the battle of the mind. I began to question myself, did I make the right decision in boarding this ship? Why did I board this ship? Now look at the situation in my life because of being on this ship. Perhaps I boarded the wrong ship!

Then, one day, the Lord helped me to realize that I was to hard on myself. It was His will to board this ship, but the problem was my destination was not His destination. I must tell you that when it was revealed to me the Lord’s will, it helped me to adjust to this different destination or port that was not on my list.

So, one day, you board your ship of life, feeling that it is the Lord’s will to do so, and you set out intending to reach a certain destination or that final port. Everything is sailing along just fine. But, the unexpected arises in your world. A beautiful calm sea has now become turbulent, violent. A storm has arrived, something went wrong, an unchangeable situation, problem has forced you to dock at a port that was not on your list. Also, you learn of the possibility of going no further or reaching your intended destination is very remote.

Now what do you do? Don’t make the mistake and invite the battle of the mind, and begin to question yourself as to why you even boarded your ship. Don’t stay focused on the destination that you may never reach, but try to realize that for some reason you were led to another port of destination for now, and ask God to help you to deal with this uncontrollable situation. Just hang on to the belief that the Lord will help you with this ordeal now facing you. There may come a day that you will look back and be thankful for the time your ship made an unscheduled stop.

Lastly, the Apostle Paul, boarded his ship of life, destination was Rome. This was God’s will for Paul to board this ship. Then, the Lord used a storm, a unexpected situation to lead Paul first to a different destination or port that was not on Paul’s itinerary. He ended up on a Island of Melita, where a church was planted. Paul would of never seen this blessing if God had not of changed his destination.

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